Since whales are one of longest living mammals in the world…,

Nipuna Perera
2 min readApr 20, 2020


We need to take care of ourselves and be more mindful when it comes to our health. We live for on average 79 years. Whales live up to 200+ years. Now the goal is not to live forever, but for the time that we do live, it’s to live the optimal life that we can.

Health I realize is broad. It’s spirituality. It’s happiness. It’s financial health and of course our common understanding of our body health. So what’ causes us to have high blood pressure, diabetes and all of these chronic issues in our lives.

Stress! It’s chronic stress that our lifestyles subjected us towards. Acute stress (short term) is healthy. Because that’s what helped our ancestors to survive in the wild. Nowadays, what we have is chronic stress (long term). This type is not healthy. It increases cortisol levels in our body for elongated periods of time that causes unnecessary cellular functions which results in chronic diseases.

Solutions? Sleep. Meditation. Gratefulness. Proper diet (important). Work on residual income platform (money is not something we should worry about till we die), healthy relationships, exercise AND supplementation. This will take an extra 2 hrs a day.

What supplementation do I recommend? I only focus on good few for myself. Instead of cheap and plenty. The brand TLS and brand Isotonix.

From these two lines, for stress I recommend TLS ACTS (adrenal cortisol thyroid stress) and for overall health I recommend Isotonix Daily Essentials.

These two products have changed my life for the better in combination of the above mentioned activities. For more information click on the name or click here for TLS ACTS and click here for Isotonix Daily Essentials.



Nipuna Perera

Swim with the fit whale. My blogs are not just about health and nutrition. It is about taking power back to our own hands to live a healthy and wealthy life.